Friday, March 2, 2007

And we have a door

A door for the chicken coop was the prize of the day. At a whopping $45 dollars from the salvage place it is only 1/4" too tall. It also has windows in the top half which are are not cracked or broken in anyway and it comes with a fairly decent paint job with cream on one side and natural on the other. Since I looked at a number of broken window doors and many in the colors of purple, bright yellow and fuschia ---I consider this quite the find. No cool 50's pea green or pink to match my inside color though--bummer. Lot's of $100 dollar and more doors---so I was happy with the price of this one. So... if all goes well the coop should be finished this weekend--or at least 90% I hope. Pictures of it, with freshly attached door, soon to come. Stay tuned: same blog, different day. (or maybe that's same chicken channel?)


El said...

It seemed to take us FOREVER to put our coop in last summer, but then again, I am a wacky perfectionist who needed to pour a foundation for the thing.

Dancingfarmer said...

El: our slope is such that we weren't sure exactly how to make it work without ending up some day with water in the coop---so that solved our problem of pouring foundation. It did go quicker---but I have to admit a cement floor would have been nicer

Robyn: Thanks for the compliment!---you are correct 2 comments came through and in trying to erase the one "oops"--I got both!
I could do phrases like :A home laid egg a day keeps the Doctor away :-D

Cheryl said...

Looking forward to the big reveal!