Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Obama takes comments on NAIS

This came in my email today. One of them ends today supposedly but if you see this late double check it. Don't miss the second web site ---one is his "official" and the other is a more personal (if that is the correct way to say it) web site. Both are taking comments on Nais.
SPEAK is our chance to be heard!!

Online Action Items!
First round of voting on ends today
Two websites are allowing people to speak up about the issues they want President-Elect Obama to address when he takes office. The first is his official website: The second is a private website: On both sites, only the top ideas will be presented to the administration, based on a voting process.
Both sites are currently running questions related to stopping the National Animal Identification System. The Change.Org site closes voting on the questions today! So as you make plans to ring in the new year, take a moment to make your voice heard.

Change.Org - Voting Ends Today!
The private website,, will present the "Top 10 Ideas for America" to the Obama Adminsitration on Inauguration Day.
The first phase of the voting ends today, and the top 3 ideas in each category will be selected for the second round of voting. "Stop NAIS" is currently in third place in Agriculture, and the voting is very close! A few votes may make the difference between the Stop NAIS message making it to the next round, or not!
Step 1: If you are not already signed up for the site, register at:
Step 2:
Go to Be sure to click the box labeled "vote!" to the left of the Stop NAIS! Simply leaving a comment does not count as a vote.

The Obama Transition Team has set up a section calld "Open for Questions" on the official website. They have not specified the deadline for submitting or voting on questions, but said they will respond to the top issues "in the new year."
Step 2: Type "animal identification" or "nais" into the box next to "Search Questions"
Step 3: Click on the checkmark by the question to vote "yes". If you are not already signed in, you will be asked to, with a link at the top of the box.

We wish everyone a safe and happy New Year! Thank you for all of your activism and support in 2008.

Judith McGeary
Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance
Phone: 512-243-9404
Toll-free: 866-687-6452

1 comment:

Robbyn said...

hi Monica...didnt get the nais email till this morning (i was working). I followed all the instructions on what you posted above and I guess signing up with this site hasnt yet registered my email address...I can't vote on anything. It says the next vote is Jan 5, so i'll try soon and if it lets me in, i'll post it on my site, too...just letting you know it wasnt as easy as click and type for me. Maybe just a delay?