Saturday, March 29, 2008

Don't forget earth hour tonight

At eight tonight March 29 ---whatever your time zone---earth hour begins for your area. This is an event started last year in Sydney Australia involves people and cities around the globe. Here is an excerpt from an article to explain what it is if you have never heard of it:

Twenty-six major cities around the world are expected to turn off the lights on major landmarks, plunging millions of people into darkness to raise awareness about global warming, organizers said.

Will you participate? It not only asks that cities and businesses to turn off light on major buildings and landmarks but restaurants to have diners eat by candlelight for an hour and home owners to also participate.

Here's a link to the official site for Earth Hour to find out more about it. Try and participate if you can since it's just so darn easy. (earth hour site does seem to be a bit backlogged so you might have trouble getting it---good luck)


Hayden said...

although I do most such things, I passed on this one, instead opting to curl up with a book and a single light. I could have gone out somewhere, but that would have meant driving. Or I could have used the hour to meditate - but did not. It's not so easy to enjoy candlelight when you live alone.

Dancingfarmer said...

Well...I can appreciate that. Sometimes it is lonely being the only one in a house. Meditate for a whole hour? You are much better at it than I am :-D
Have a great day Hayden